Tuesday, March 12, 2013

besties !

Miss 'em so bad !
It has been almost 2 months since the last holidays.
I miss my hometown, my house and the people and all my besties. Since i went to a boarding school in other town, i got the distance issues !
My days with my best friends are always be the good times. And ya, i don't really care about the friendship tales told by drama-movies, because i already have one there which probably be the best that i ever had.
What i miss the most is the time, the real quality times. They are kind of down-to-earth kids! They always have their times, They used to release their silly laughs and always made my day.

Let me to to tell you about them.
they are some of my besties,
from left to right.
Ebiet, Noby, Renny, and me

is a kind of boy who addicted with design graphics. So do i, actually. But he has become an expert, and i still need to learn so much. He is also Afgan's fan. Afgan used to drive this boy crazy! lol.

Trust me, she's absolutely cool! A basketball-girl-player. With a boyish style, she's so funny and she gave us the best jokes sometimes. She's also a dancer.

She's the most fashionable girl around us. She has some brand(ed) stuffs. But, the note is all the people have to be aware to be close with this girl in tense-condition. Because, she will turn as a wild-kid, she's easy to be panic and think too much all the times. But she's the most humble girl i ever met.

She's the one who wore black t-shirt.
She's a dancer, pretty cool girl. Ya, she used to talk much than us. But she's the most kind-hearted girl. She sometimes invites us to have lunch for free. lol. She's also a shopping line owner and we still can't hardly wait for the disc. lol. (Again) no. we are friends not because of that, it just because she's nice and we have several things to think around.

This is us! with a kinda silly laughs-out-loud.  >>
oh ya, actually there's one more. A boy named Amsyah.

He's a boy who has obsession to become a professional photographer and sometimes he used us as his trial objects. He doesn't like to be captured, but he love to captures something or someone else. That's why he rarely appears in our pictures.

And here we go

Can't hardly wait for this coming holidays.
Can't hardly wait to tell them a bunch of stories. 
And you guys are the most cool besties i ever knew ! 
Thanks for the time,
And, sorry readers, if this is too personal. lol.
But i bet u have this kind of best friends as well. 
So just keep them by your side :)   
See ya, i'll be home in this coming middle of April !


Ebiet Mubharak said...

it's a cool blog :)

Kang surinder said...

Keren Pakde,
tapi lebih keren punyaku
saya tunggu Comment baliknya ... Hehehehee

@!# www.surindersurisahni.blogspot.com